The single biggest reason more people don't achieve their health goals is that they're not totally clear on their health goals. The second biggest reason why they don't achieve them is because they aren't clear on why it matters. It is one thing to identify a target. It's another thing to recognize how good it's going to feel after you score the goal. Anyone who achieves a dramatic health goal and sticks with it, is clear on their Why'. Most people who set health goals, may lose some weight. But the unfortunate truth is that a large percentage of them gain that weight back. One of the biggest difference makers between people who lose weight and those that keep it off are that the people who keep it off are really clear on why it's a must for them. Knowing their 'why' goes across a couple of different categories. First of all, they know changing their body, or changing their health will affect other areas of their life positively. For example, they recognize how it will affect their income. People that lose weight and are in good physical condition tend to be higher performers in life. They tend to get more promotions, and make more money in their business if they're an entrepreneur. They tend to experience life better, and also tend to be happier. People that achieve a goal that they set for themselves in their health tend to be more confident. They tend to believe that they are a better person, and therefore have better self-esteem. They also tend to have better relationships, because when you take good care of yourself, you come from a healthy place in how you interact with other people. You become a better parent. If you want to have children, or do have children, you become the example to your kids. No parent wants their child to grow up and be unhealthy. All parents want their kids to be healthy. If you are a parent or want to be a parent, the best thing you can do for your kids' health is to be healthy yourself. People that achieve their long-term health goals are people that know why and how it will make a positive difference in their life if they do achieve it. "Why" is your motivation. If you ever want to have more motivation to achieve your health goals, then start identifying why. In the exercise in the next lesson, we're going to help you get clear on what your biggest reasons are for transforming your health. Review these on a regular basis because with identifying your 'why', it's good to review it every single day, so that you're continually filling yourself up with motivation. Giving yourself daily motivation is like giving yourself a shower or bath. You need it every single day in order to stay clean, and motivation is something you need to fuel up with every single day in order to continually have your attention on the right thing.
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