Resistance training offers many benefits, such as increased muscle strength by making your muscles work against a force or weight. Different forms of resistance training use different kinds of equipment. Resistance training is focused more on building strength than losing weight, though the weight loss comes as a part of the package. If you’re thinking of starting a program based on resistance training, then you’ve come to the right place.

Benefits of Resistance Training:
It helps maintain muscle tissue. Around the time people turn 30, growth hormones suffer a drastic decrease. Due to this, you can lose 8-10% of your muscle tissue every decade, and since muscle tissues are directly linked to your metabolism, your metabolism will also decrease by 8-10%. Weekly strength training can reduce that 8-10% to a mere 1-2%.
It increases strength. Shortly after you begin your resistance training program, you will notice that daily tasks seem much easier. You could lift a 20-pound weight at the gym and then head home to lift your 20-pound child.
It decreases the risk of injury. Once you improve your muscle strength, it actually cuts down your risk of falling and other such injuries. Building your strength in terms of bones and muscles can reduce the severity of these injuries. Increased body strength will also allow you to be more resistant to pain, general aches, and injuries.
It helps control body fat. Did you know that muscles burn 3 times as many calories as fat does? Building muscle will help you burn more, and quicker. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will go.
It improves bone health by increasing bone density and strengthening ligaments and tendons. Building your bones up to be stronger reduces the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.
Needed Variety:
In order to maintain improvement and make sure your body doesn’t get used to the program, one should switch up their routine every six to eight weeks. Variables that cause a change in your body and have an impact on you include:
The exercises you perform
The intensity and the mass of the weights used
How frequent your sessions are
Rest between sets

Examples of Resistance Training:
Whether you work out at your home or at the gym, there are many ways through which you can train yourself in resistance, which involve:
Free weights: classic tools that include barbells, kettle weights, and dumbbells.
Weighted medicine balls and sandbags.
Weight machines.
Your own body weight for squats, pull-ups, and push-ups.
Suspension equipment that uses gravity and your body weight.
Resistance bands: This branch of exercise is as important, if not more important, than any other, which is why we include free resistance bands when clients sign up for our training programs or sessions so that everyone has a bit of resistance training in their workout programs.

The Basic Principles:
Resistance training consists of many components, but the main few are:
Program: The whole program is composed of multiple types of exercise, such as flexibility training, strength training, aerobic training, and balance exercises.
Weights: Weight serves as resistance in your program. For example, a resistance band, a kettle weight, or bodyweight will be used throughout multiple exercises.
Set: This is the amount of exercises performed without rest.
Rest: This is integral in between exercises performed.
Variety: To make sure your body doesn’t get used to an exercise, one needs to add multiple exercises to a program.
In order to set a proper program built for your body type, we’d suggest that you visit a general physician, a physiotherapist, or a registered exercise professional.